Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Translation Department began training students in 2002.

They can obtain education at the level of a Bachelor of Arts in Philology and the Diploma of Specialist in Translation (Major: English Translation in Science and Technology)

Levels of training: bachelor, specialist and master

Educational process is conducted by 1 Doctor of Philology, 2 Professors, 7 Candidates of Science in Philology, 9 Associate Professors, 6 Senior Lecturers and 1 Assistant Professor.

The scientific potential of the Department is realized via participation in the international program of in-career training which unites the Dnipro University of Technology and the Trade Chamber of the Saxony-Angaldt county; organizing annual international student conference “Eurolanguages” and international scientific conference on translation issues, creation of innovative teaching manuals, scholarly dictionaries and reference books, preparation and publication of joint scientific papers.

The principal areas of the Department research are:

- psychology and methodology of teaching foreign languages;

- innovative and multimedia approaches to teaching scientific translation;

- perfecting of adaptation methods of the educational process intensification while teaching translation in view of special subjects requirements;

- adjustment of the study process to the norms of credit-module system;

- computer-based translation the field of power and electrical engineering on the basis of self-education programs;

- distance forms of translation studies;

- linguo-psychological specifics of cross-cultural and inter-linguistic communication.

Realm of training – “Philology”(0305)

Specialty – “Translation

The enrollees can get higher education at the qualification level of the Bachelor in Philology, Specialist and Master 

First Qualification Level - Bachelor

Realm of training – “Philology”

Specialty – “Translation”

Major: Translation in Science and Technology (English)

Term of training – 3 years and 10 months on the basis of the comprehensive secondary education

Second Qualification Level- Master

Realm of training – ''Philology''

Specialty - ''Translation''

Term of training - 1.4 year on the basis of the BA's and Specialist's diplomas

The master can occupy the position of:

interpreter in science and technology

- translator and interpreter of scientific texts

- translator and manager at enterprises

- translator and editor of scientific texts

- translator, interpreter and consultant in the field of scientific and technical texts;

- translator of scientific and technical literature.

The Head of Translation Department – Vvedenskaya Tatyana Yurievna, Candidate of Science in Philology, Associate Professor.

In 1998 Vvedenskaya T.Y. obtained the Fulbright scholarship for conducting research in the US at the State University of New York. In 2001 she got the grant for the summer course ”Cross-cultural identities” at the Central European University (CEU). In 2002 she won the CEU grant for compiling an innovative course on cross-cultural psychology which was taught at Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law.

Vvedenskaya has a great experience of collaborating worth foreign partners.

In 2001-2005 she coordinated the partnership program between DNU and ElCamino College (California). In 2004 she taught English as a Second language at ElCamino College and completed the course on on-line course creation at California Virtual Campus. In 2004-2008 she conducted the program of videoconferences between the universities of Beirut in Lebanon, Reggio-Emilio University (Italy), DNU and ElCamino College. In 2008 she obtained the Visby Grant to lecture on cross-cultural psychology at Gotland University (Sweden). Vvedenskaya is an active member of professional associations: IATEFL, TESOL, USSE, RAACS and Fulbright Association. She took part in international conferences both in Ukraine and abroad. Vvedenskaya T.Y. has more than 80 publications.



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