Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
ALEKSIEIEV Anatoliy Yakovych,
Doctor of Science in Philology, Professor

Scientist-philologist. He was born on the 5th of May, 1942 in the village of Navly in Bryansk Region (Russian Federation) in the workers' family. In 1966 he graduated from the French Department of Odessa's National University, philological faculty and was sent to work to Dnepropetrovsk State University. From 1966 till 1968 he worked as a lecturer at the French Department of Dnepropetrovsk State University.

From 1968 to 1971 he took post-graduate courses in Moscow Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages after M. Thorez. In 1971 under the guidance of prof. N.P. Pototskaya he defended his Candidate’s dissertation on the theme "The Role of Vernacular Language in the Development of Functional Styles of the Modern French Language".

From 1971 to 1975 he was a senior lecturer, later 1975 to 1977 - he was a senior researcher, from 1977 to 1984 - an associate professor of the French Department of DSU. From 1984 till 1992 - he headed the French Department of DSU.

In 1992 he finished his doctorate and defended the doctoral dissertation in Moscow Linguistic University on "Lingvocommunicative Characteristics of Nominal Suffixation of the Modern French".

From 1994 to 2004 – the professor of the Foreign Languages Department of Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering.

From 2005 - the professor of the romance philology and translation department of Zaporizhzhya National University, lecturing theoretical courses in French and Spanish and the Theory of Contemporary General Linguistics, supervising masters’ and postgraduates’ scientific works.

Since 2008 - professor of the National Mining University, the Translation Department, lecturing theoretical courses of History and Theory of Translation, Principles of General Theory of Communication and Psycholinguistics, supervising dissertations.

He is the author of over 80 scientific works, including three monographs and three tutorials certified by Ministry of Education and Science. In 2002 and 2005 he was a member of Council of candidate and doctoral dissertation defense at Kiev Linguistic University. Was awarded a medal "Defender of the Motherland" as a combatant.

Main works: "A Functional Correlation between Verb-Name in French" (1975); "Some Features of the Contemporary French Spoken Language" (1976), "Some Problems of Stylistic Derivation" (1980), "Conversations about Stylistics" (1983); «Essai de Stylistique Contrastive» (2010), "Comparative Stylistics" (2012).  



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