Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Candidate of Science in Philology, Associate Professor

Head of Group 035-18-1

Е-mail: Boiko.YV@nmu.one

In 2007 she graduated with honors from Dnipropetrovsk National University, majoring in English Language and Literature and received Master's Degree in Philology, Teacher of English and Literature.

She passed Ph.D. on the theme "Aesthetic evaluation in poetic text: linguocognitive analysis (based on the lyrics of English Romanticism)" («Естетична оцінка у поетичному тексті: лінгвокогнітивний аналіз (на матеріалі лірики англійського романтизму)») defense in specialty 10.02.04. "Germanic Languages" in June 13, 2013. October 10, 2013, diploma of Candidate of Philological Sciences ДК № 016481

She works at the Department of Translation as an Associate Professor since 02/09/2014, (Decree №1816-л від 03.09.2014), selected by competition on 12/01/2015, transferred to the position of Assistant Professor of Translation at the National Mining University for contract work since January 12, 2015 (Decree 24-л від 14.01.2015). On February 25, 2016, she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Translation (protocol № 1/02-Д 12ДЦ №046116).

Pedagogical experience in higher education institutions of the III-IV level of accreditation is for more than 10 years, all at Dnipro University of Technology:

         from 01.09.2007 to 01.09.2014 – Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages;

–    since 02.09.2014 till now – Associate Professor of the Department of Translation.

She teaches such subjects: "Practical course of the main foreign language", "Practice of translation in the field of economy, law, management", "Stylistics of scientific language".

Scientific activities are related to stylistics of text, stylistic lexicology, lexical and phraseological semantics, cognitive semantics of literary text. She has 27 publications, 13 of them – for the dissertation defense and 14 published scientific works – after the defense in the leading professional publications of Ukraine and in the journals of Web of Science, Scopus, Index Copernicus Scientometric Databases and 2 manuals. She has participated in 3 scientific-methodical conferences with publication of abstracts.

1.                       Nikonova, V. & Boyko, Y. (2019). Gender-specific emotivity of Victorian female prose from a multidimensional perspective. In Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. The journal of University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Trnava: University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2019, IV (1), June 2019, p. 4782. ISSN 2453-8035 (журнал входить до наукометричних баз даних Web of Science)

2.                       Boyko Ya.V., Nikonova, V.H., Savina, Yu.O. Cognitive nature of British and American humour as a problem in translation studies // Kalbų studijos / Studies about Languages. Kaunas, Lithuania. (журнал входить до наукометричних баз даних Scopus журнал "Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow", Iss. IV (1) June 2019.)

3.                       Бойко Я.В., Ніконова В.Г. Концептуальний простір естетичної оцінки в ліриці англійського романтизму // Вісник Київського національного лінгвістичного університету. Серія Філологія. Том 21, № 2. Київ: Видавничий центр УКНЛУ, 2018. С.62–71. (входить до наукометричних баз даних Index Copernicus)

The specificity of scientific research is to determine the principles of explication of the conceptual content of literary texts by solving such problems as: establishing the semantic composition of lexical units to clarify their explicit and implicit meanings in the literary text, linguocognitive modeling of conceptual structures for textual reconstructions and explaining the link between knowledge of the world and how it is reflected in literary text. Development of the key problems of her scientific researches serves as the theoretical basis for the formation of professional translational communicative competence of translator and interpreter, in particular, teaching students to comprehensively approach the awareness of the presence and awareness of meaningful correspondences in the texts of the original language and the language of translation for the purpose of carrying out the translation analysis of written texts of different types of discourses – both technical (official business, science and technology, information, advertising, journalistic) and artistic (prose, poetry, etc.) for their translation from foreign languages into Ukrainian and from Ukrainian into foreign.

In 2016 Associate Professor Boyko Ya.V was the second reviewer of the candidate's thesis "Intra-textual descriptions of the interior in English-language artistic discourse (on the material of prose works of the XIX – XX centuries)"(Інтратекстові описи інтер’єру в англомовному художньому дискурсі (на матеріалі прозових творів ХІХ – ХХ ст.)) and gave 4 more reviews for the abstracts for obtaining Ph.D. in specialty 10.02.04. – Germanic languages and specialty 10.02.16 – Translation Studies.

She was a member of the Expert Committee of the Accreditation Expertise at the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts (Poplavsky MM) from December 10 to December 12, 2018.

She is responsible for the occupational guidance for prospective students at the department (writing reports and attending schools). She is the curator of 035-18-1 group.

She has passed on-the-job advanced training at the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine at the Department of Translation and Foreign Languages from January 2, 2019 to March 29, 2019 under the direction of Associate Professor Pasko G.M. № 894-к 14, 2018.




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