Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Senior Lecturer
Head of Group 035-19-2
Е-mail: Khurtak.I.V @nmu.one 

She graduated from Dnepropetrovsk State University in 1989 and has a higher education in the specialty “German Language and Literature”.

        I.V. Khurtak’s  total teaching experience comprises 28 years. He is a member of the Association of Germanists  of  Ukraine (AUG).

He has been working at the Translation department of  Dnipro University of Technology since 2014 and  teaches  subjects in the field of German language and scientific and technical translation:

        -Vocabulary of the Second Foreign Language (German)
        - Practical Course of the Second Foreign Language (German)

       - Practice of Translation from the Second Foreign Language (German)

From 2002 till now she is a teacher of German at the Ukrainian-German Center of the Goethe Institute at Dnipro University of Technology.

       I.V. Khurtak participates in the international and national conferences on foreign language teaching methods and theory and practice of scientific and technical translation. She has 24 publications, 5of which are in the professional editions and 3 in the foreign editions; also one more article was published in a Scopus foreign edition. 5 educational and methodical works also were published. I.V. Khurtak  supervises students’ research work in the areas of German language and scientific and technical translation.


Certification  training:

1. 2019 - Seminar of German language teachers “Arbeits -und Sozialformen im Deutschunterricht”, UNCC, Dnipro (Ukraine)

2. 2017 - International Seminar of Teachers of German Language "Österreichische Landeskunde", DNU, Dnipro (Ukraine)

3. 2015 - advanced training courses for foreign language teachers (German), Goethe Institute, Berlin (Germany)

4. 2012 - summer school for teaching  -German Methodische Sommerschule, Uzhgorod (Ukraine)

5. 2008 - German courses, Goethe Institute, Bonn (Germany)



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