Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Candidate of Science in Philology, Assosiate Professor

E-mail: Berdnyk.LV.@nmu.one

Head of Group 035-16-1

Teaching experience at higher educational establishments of III-IV levels of accreditation, namely at Dnipro University of Technology:

10.10.1991 – 08.01.98 – English language instructor at Philology Department (Dnipropetrovs’k Mining Institute)

09.01.1998 – 27.12.2002 − English language instructor at Foreign Languages Department

28.12.2002 – 31.08.2003 – English language instructor at Management Psychology and Language Training Department

01.09.2003 – 04.09.2005 – Assistant Lecturer at Management Psychology and Language Training Department

Associate Professor at Translation Department since September 9, 2005

delivers lectures and conducts seminars on “Comparative Grammar of English and Ukrainian”, “Editing of Translated Texts in the Field of Science and Technology”, teaches such disciplines as “Course in the First Foreign Language (English), “Practice of Translation in the First Foreign Language (English)” , “Practice of Translation in the Field of Mining” and supervises the Master Qualification Theses;

has scientific and research papers dealing with the issues of translation theory and practice, contrastive analysis of derived words in contemporary Russian and English, the inner form and word-formative semantics of deverbatives;

participated in a number of international scientific conferences and seminars, namely: Trinity Western University: “Four Week English”, NMU, 1999; IATEFL, British Council: “Specific Purposes − Common Purposes”, NMU, 2003; Macmillan Seminar: “Business English and Blended Learning”, NMU, 2009; Cambridge University Press: “Top Tips for Cambridge Exam Preparation”, Zaporizhzhia, 2010; Pearson Test of English: “Modern Approach to Testing and Assessment in EFL”, NMU, 2011, etc.

Professional development:
Candidate of Science in Philology (2004)
- Associate Professor of Translation Department (2011)
- Certificate on the results of professional development at National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine from November 10 to December 10, 2015 Department of Translation and Foreign Languages ​​(No. 799-1-k of 03.10.2015 Registration No. 799/16
- Certificate on Learn Moodle MOOC Run by Moodle HQ Teaching with Moodle (Jan 2017) a 4-week on-line course
- Certificate of participation in the program of international academic mobility and advanced training of teachers and scholars based on MCR Sp. with o.o. (Poland), with the participation of the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy. S.S. Staszyce (Poland), Freiberg Mining Academy (Germany), University of Zagreb (Croatia) (online and online teaching course from October 02 to November 17, 2017) and the International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving 2017 .2017

Published works/papers, 2019

1. NesterovaO., NakaznyiM., BerdnykL., SorokinaN., CherkashchenkoO., & MedvedovskayaT. (2019). Responsibility development as academic integrity tool for translation and public administration students. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences14(3), 436-444. https://doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v14i3.4289

2. Language derivative resource // IV International Scientific-Practical Conference "The Russian Language at the Crossroads of Epochs: Traditions and Innovations in Rusistics" September 26-27, 2019 Yerevan (Armenia) Part 1. - Pp.235-239 https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41230363

3. Derivatsionnyy resurs yazyka // IV Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya «Russkiy yazyk na perekrestke epokh: traditsii i innovatsii v rusistike» 26–27 sentyabrya, 2019.- Yerevan (Armeniya) - CH.1. - S.235-239 https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41230363



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