Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Senior lecturer
Head of Group 035-17-1
E-mail: Cherkashchenko.O.M@nmu.one

In 1997, Olesia Cherkashchenko graduated from Dnipropetrovsk State University and received a specialist diploma with honour.

She has been teaching at the Translation Department, Dnipro University of Technology, since 2002, delivering the following disciplines in scientific and technical translation: Practical Course in the First Foreign Language (English), History of English, Practice of Translation in the First  Foreign Language (English), Peculiarities of Interpretation, and Practice of Oral and Written Speech (English).

Within the period of 2005-2009 she was on the jury panel at the All-Ukrainian English Olympiad for the Students of Non-Linguistic Educational Institutions.

Olesia Cherkashchenko participates in international and all-Ukrainian conferences in problems of teaching foreign languages, theory and practice of scientific and technical translation, general linguistics etc. She has a number of research publications in these areas. In 2003, Olesia Cherkashchenko, together with Derkach L.M. and Vysotska T.M., developed the course-book Welcome to the World of Economics. She is also a research advisor of students' research papers in the field of the English language and scientific and technical translation.

Olesia Cherkashchenko has also participated in the seminars organized by the UK publishers and Ukrainian research and methodological centres:

- Preparation for KEY English Test;

- Creative and Effective Language Learning;

- MM Publications in Ukraine. Five Secrets for listening success.


 In January and February, 2018, Olesia Cherkashchenko completed the distance educational course “English as a medium of instruction for academics” (in English) from the University of Southampton.


Professional training:

1.     April 2018, course in professional training at Dnipro University of Technology; Theme: Education Quality: Management Tasks and Challenges in the Internal Environment of Higher Educational Institutions.

2.     Research and pedagogical training: National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dept. of Translation and Foreign languages, Reg.# 397/1, May29, 2018-June 27,2018, Sept. 03,2018-Sept.28, 2018




1.       Гаврилова А.В., Черкащенко О.Н. Проектные технологии в процессе обучения иностранным языкам // ХІІІ Міжнародна конференція "Стратегія якості в промисловості і освіті" (5-8 червня 2017р., Варна, Болгарія): Матеріали у 2-х томах. Том ІІ. – С. 264-266.

2.       Черкащенко О.Н., Пархоменко А.О. Инновационные технологии в образовании: особенности и перспективы. // ХІІІ Міжнародна конференція "Стратегія якості в промисловості і освіті" (5-8 червня 2017р., Варна, Болгарія): Матеріали у 2-х томах. Том ІІ. – С. 376-379

3.       Vagonova O., Arzhevichev D., Cherkashchenko O. Economic Consequences of Disposing Radioactive Wastes of Fuel-and-Power Cycle Enterprises/ O.Vagonova, D.Arzhevichev, O.Cherkashchenko. // Advanced Engineering Forum (Volume 25). – 2017. – рр. 64-70.

DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AEF.25.64

4.       O.Nestrova, M. Nakaznyi, L. Berdnyk, N. Sorokina, O. Cherkashchenko, T. Medvedovskaya (2019).  Responsibility development as academic integrity tool for translation and public administration students. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, Volume 14 Issue 3 (2019) 436-444.

5.       Vysotska T., Korotkova S., Savina Yu., Cherkashchenko O., Khurtak I., 2019. Innovations in the content of professional training of interpreters and translators in countries of Europe, the USA and Ukraine: comparative analysis.



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