Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time



Core competencies of the specialist

The course deals with the conception of competencies and their components, correlation of hard and soft skills with personal and social capabilities. The main focus is on the concept of self-education throughout life, means of improving existing skills and acquisition of new skills and competences.

 Upon completion of the course, the student must know: 

- types of specialist competencies; 

- what the intercompetence approach is; 

- how to correlate hard and soft skills;

- how to manage time to achieve the best results; 

- ways of the world cognition, functioning of knowledge in the modern information society, peculiarities of the relationship of science and technology with modern social and ethical problems; 

- forms of the collective consciousness, their relationship;

- the environment of formation of personality, its freedom and responsibility for the preservation of life, nature and culture.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

- understand and objectively evaluate their competencies, hard and soft skills; 

- master the methodology and methods of time management; 

- use the dialogue as a means of solving social and industry issues and reaching consensus. 


Civilization processes in Ukrainian society

The course is focused on the concept of civilization, stages of its development, as well as the stages of the Ukrainian society development. The course deals with social communities, relations, processes, institutions, functions of society, social structure of society: social class, ethnic, socio-cultural and socio-professional groups. It provides explanation of social relations and social policy, problems of social justice, methodology and methods of civilization research.

Upon completion of the course, the student should know: 

• basics of the general science of the Ukrainian society civilization development, its subject, structure, main concepts, laws and functions;                                                                                       

• general content of social and civilizational theories;                                                                               

• issues of methodology, methods and technology of Ukrainian society researches throughout history and at the present stage;

• ways of practical realization of research results and social technologies.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

• analyze the specifics of social and socio-civilizational phenomena and processes in society, family and at work;

• implement the results of empirical research in practice.


Fundamentals of Engineering

The course is focused on the fundamentals of engineering, the content of notions and terms of general technical and engineering topics, engineering problems and their relationship with translation realities. The course considers the state standards adopted by the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine and the differences between DSTU (State Standards of Ukraine).

The Ukrainian language

The main objective of this course is to improve the overall language level of students. The study of the Ukrainian language is aimed at mastering different types of both written and oral speech activity within the literary standard. The main task is to ensure that students are fluent in the language. The course “Modern Ukrainian Literary Language” considers phonetic system of the language, word and collocation formation, the rules of spelling, phrase and sentence formation as well as the rules of punctuation.

Upon completion of the course, the student should know:

- phonetic peculiarities of the Ukrainian language and rules of spelling for words, phrases and sentences.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

- implement the standards of modern Ukrainian literary language in written and oral speech

- make a linguistic-stylistic and translation analysis of scientific and literary texts, considering the information received in the theoretical course.



The course is aimed at the development of high legal consciousness and legal culture. The course covers the main areas of law: constitutional, labor, civil, environmental, tax, social, business, real estate, family, administrative, criminal, and procedural. It also considers the history of the state and law and the current system of law enforcement agencies.

Upon completion of the course, the student should know:

• history of the state and law;

• the concepts of lawmaking, law enforcement, legitimacy and order;

• the concepts of legal and illegal behavior;

• the concept of legal liability;

• main areas of law.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 

• provide legal analysis of specific social relations; 

• prepare and draw up legal documentation;

• confidently deal with the legal issues of the chosen profession.


Civil Defense

The course considers main concepts and definitions related to the environment and civil safety, including  the characteristics of the environment as a whole, in particular, domestic and industrial. The course deals with the main environmental factors, natural hazards, their causes, patterns of occurrence and safety measures as well as the medical and biological basics of human life protection. The course covers the issue of creating safe working and living environment, emergency actions for human protection and elimination of consequences of possible natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes.


Lexico-grammatical basics of the German language

The course deals with the grammatical basics of the literary German language. The main focus is on such aspects as phonetics, grammar, vocabulary and speech activities, such as reading, writing and translation. The main task of the course is to ensure that students are fluent in German and are able to produce full-fledged translations.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

-carry out correct morphosyntactic analysis of sentences during scientific and technical translation;                                                                                                

- analyze the translation methods of different grammatical forms and constructions in the context of  the sentence;                                                                           

- rely on the principle of consideration of translation methods through general scientific and general technical lexical material in translation activity.


Fundamentals of Information Theory and Applied Linguistics

Aim of the course: to provide future bachelors with the knowledge and skills in use of CAT-tools (Computer Assisted Translation) and QA (Quality Assurance) software, foemal translation quality chceck programs at the pre-editing stage.

To provide knowledge about the language as a system of signs, lexicographic principles of words codification and terminology management.

Course objectives:

- introduction to CAT-tools (Computer Assisted Translation) and QA (Qality Assurance), i.e. translation quality assurance programs for the formal translation verification;

- mastering theoretical and practical knowledge on the use of specialized software in computer translation.

Course subject: CAT and QA software (SDL Trados Studio 2014, MemoQ, Xbench) in the field

Course content:

- SDL Trados Studio 2014 and higher interface and features

- Multiterm-2014 and higher interface and features

- MemoQ Interface and features

- Translation Memory data import and export

- Termbase management

Xbench interface and features 


History of Foreign Literature


Aim of the course: to initiate students into historical development of the world literary process; into the features of literary eras, their spiritual values; into the best achievements of each and every literary and artistic eras – Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism, Enlightenment and Romanticism, the literature of XIX and XX centuries in all the variety of genres and styles.

While studying the course, the student must learn to analyze different belles-letters phenomena; to perceive the nature of different genres of creative writing; to perceive the general and the peculiar in changes in cultural traditions and literary styles.

The student should be fluent in techniques of elementary analysis of literary text.


Learning Latin is aimed at mastering written and scientific standards. The main attention is paid to such aspects as phonetics, grammar, vocabulary and such types of speech activity as reading, writing and translation.


Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

- read, translate and review original prose and poetic texts;

- translate texts of historical, legal, biological, medical and general areas;

- apply the acquired knowledge in philological (literary and linguistic) studies;

- be familiar with the scientific terminology of Latin origin.

Practical Course in the First Foreign Language (English)

The content and structure of the course meet the recommendations of the Council of Europe and are aimed at Cambridge texts. The main attention is paid to the use of authentic American, British scientific and technical as well as literary texts.

While teaching the course, we use cross-tabulations for mastering the compatibility of vocabulary, the systematic introduction and processing of idiomatic phrases and phrasal verbs, comparative tables of Ukrainian and English realities.

The course is aimed at the development of translation skills and abilities (text compression, mastering                 the system of interpreter's shorthand, working with dictionaries).

The modern system of training exercises is based on the latest achievements in the fields of philology and foreign languages teaching methodology and provides simultaneous development of all types of speech activity.

Special exercises presented for the development of translation skills and abilities contribute to the early formation of professional competence.

The particular attention is paid to the application of innovative methods as well as the principles of individualized and differentiated teaching of the English language. We use the method of cases, i. e. projects that develop creative thinking of student translators.


Upon completion of the course, the student should know:

- the basics of practical and theoretical phonetics of the English language;

- the basics of theoretical and practical grammar of the English language;

- the basics of lexicology and stylistics of the English language;

- the basics of country studies and intercultural communication;

- typical difficulties (lexico-grammatical and stylistic) in terms of scientific and technical translation;

- the realization peculiarities of linguistic-stylistic and translation analysis of linguistic phenomena.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

- communicate in English fluently and correctly (in compliance with phonetic, lexical, syntactic, grammar standards) in various situations as well as in situations of professional interaction;

- carry out linguistic-stylistic and translation analysis of scientific, technical and literary texts, considering the information obtained in practical and theoretical courses.

Basics of Language Communication Theory

This lecture and seminar course is one of the fundamental disciplines in foreign philology. It is given after the Basics of Linguistics course, represents its logical continuation and development, and is aimed at developing students' system of modern pragmalinguistic knowledge about the structure, patterns and the most important aspects of linguistic (including intercultural) communication, the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice of foreign language communication, translation and in scientific analysis of speech interaction. The theoretical course consists of 8 topics: "The structure of language communication theory and the conceptual framework", "Language communication units", "Principles and patterns of dialogic interaction", "Universal and ethno-specific aspects of language communication and barriers of intercultural communication", "Perlocutionary and illocutionary aspects of language activities", "Communicative downsides and failures", "Language communication in European culture", "Speech production and perception in communication". The seminar course consists of 8 topics: half of them extends and consolidates the lecture material, and the second half considers the study and discussion of state-of-the-art scientific literature on the theory of speech communication, linguopragmatics and rhetoric.

Introduction to Translation Study

The course introduces the subject of translation studies as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge and its main sections. It highlights the essential features of translation as a type of communicative activity in its various forms. The course deals with historical features of translation process and translation techniques,  the rivalry of two main translation tendencies: high-quality, close reproduction of the original and its free interpretation. The course is aimed at carrying out the analysis of achievements of various translation schools; analyzing the principles and methods of the Ukrainian translation school in their historical dynamics; providing key concepts of the general and partial translation theory, history, criticism, and translation editing; revealing the connection between translation studies and related sciences; studying the writings of prominent national and foreign translation scholars.

Comparative Lexicology of English and Ukrainian


The course is dedicated to the subject of comparative lexicology and its importance for theory and practice; the contribution of Ukrainian scientists to the development of foreign and Ukrainian lexicology.

The course deals with the comparison of lexicology and lexicography; types of monolingual, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries; vocabulary as a system; ways of vocabulary enrichment; semantic development of the word; word formation; compounding; conversion; telescopy; apocope and apheresis; abbreviation; phrase formation; loan words; loan translation; semantic and stylistic differentiation of international words; formally semantic dictionary structure; field vocabulary structure of different languages.


Comparative Grammar of English and Ukrainian


The course includes the most important sections of the comparative grammar of English and Ukrainian: comparative morphology and comparative syntax.

The analysis of specific examples of scientific, technical, artistic and everyday discourse helps to develop grammatical competence, and practical exercises contribute to deeper understanding of theoretical material.

The course introduces the grammatical difficulties of scientific and technical translation of subject, predicate, object, adverbial, attribute and syntactic constructions.

Practical exercises on the corresponding translation difficulties in compared languages ​​provide deep understanding of both theoretical and practical material.

The course deals with the comparison of the morphology and morphological phenomena; language and speech; linguistic levels of scientific and technical translation and their units; the noun: noun classes; the category of number; the category of cases; the verb: general characteristics; semantic classification; the category of tense; the category of voice; syntax and syntactic units, syntax as a part of grammar; basic syntactic phenomena and positions; syntactic processes; syntagmatic relations; sentence.

History of English

This course provides for precedent mastering of introduction to general linguistics and country studies courses. The content of the course is closely related to such disciplines as theoretical and practical phonetics, grammar, lexicology, and stylistics of the English language. The course deals with the main stages of development and formation of modern English, phonological peculiarities and phonetic processes at all stages of its development, the grammatical structure of the language - from ancient times to its present state, the emergence and loss of grammatical categories, the evolution of the lexical system, stylistic stratification of the vocabulary and changes in patterns of phrase and sentence syntactic structure. At the same time, attention is paid to the identification of territorial variants of language and the functioning of archaic elements in them. Practical classes are aimed at the consolidation of theoretical material.

Practice of Translation in the First Foreign Language (English)


The course is a major subject in the professional training system of translators. It is aimed at training specialists with knowledge, skills and competences in the field of translation and interpretation from  a foreign language into the native language and from the native language into a foreign language. The course is focused on practicing the main types of translation as a type of communicative activity such as consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, written translation of texts on different subjects (scientific, technical, artistic, business and professional). The knowledge, skills, and abilities of the translator are developed in different aspects.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 

- produce unassisted written translation from a foreign language into the native language at the speed of 1000 printed characters per academic hour;

- produce written translation from the native language into a foreign language at the speed of 800 printed characters per academic hour;

- produce oral translation of a conversation and / or speech;

- use dictionaries and reference literature.


Practice of Translation in the Second Foreign Language (German)


The course is a major subject in the professional training system of translators. It is aimed at training specialists with knowledge, skills, and competences in the field of translation and interpretation from  a foreign language into the native language and from the native language into a foreign language. The course is focused on practicing the main types of translation as a type of communicative activity such as consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, written translation of texts on different subjects (scientific, technical, artistic, business and professional). The knowledge, skills, and abilities of the translator are developed in different aspects.


Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

- produce unassisted written translation from a foreign language into the native language at the speed of 1000 printed characters per academic hour;

- produce written translation from the native language into a foreign language at the speed of 800 printed characters per academic hour;

- produce oral translation of a conversation;

- use dictionaries and reference literature.


Comparative Stylistics of English and Ukrainian


The course is dedicated to the stylistic analysis as the first stage of source text translation (determination of the text dominant); stylistic characteristics of the text as a whole and its reproduction in translation; ways of expressing ​​shades of stylistic meaning of linguistic units and the text as a whole in both languages; expressive concretization in translation; transfer of stylistic means: repetitions, parallelisms, metaphors, metonymies, word play, etc.; interpretation of allusions and hidden quotes, and transfer of compositional features of the original text.

The course deals with comparison of phonetic and graphic stylistics, functional stylistics, stylistic lexicology, stylistic stratification of vocabulary, stylistic grammar, stylistic semasiology, literary discourse, stylistic resources of phraseology, morphology, syntax of English and Ukrainian languages.


Country Studies in the First Foreign Language

This theoretical course is one of the fundamental disciplines in foreign philology. It is logically connected with the courses on the basics of linguistics, the basics of language communication theory, the history and lexicology of a foreign language, the theory of translation, the speech and translation practice.  The course is aimed at the development of the system of modern linguoculturological knowledge, mainly on the specifics of the linguistic worldviews and the corresponding peculiarities of the linguistic behavior of foreign language speakers as well as the ability to use the acquired knowledge in improving the foreign communication, translation and linguoculturological analysis of foreign language and speech.


The course consists of three sections:

Section I “Basic Concepts of Country studies”.

Section II “Synchronic Country Studies”.

Section III.

Section I includes such topics as: “The Linguistic Worldview”, “The Cultural-Cumulative Function of Language”, “The Peculiarities of Expressive Means of National Languages”, “Background Knowledge and Its Linguistic Representatives”, etc.

Section II includes topics as follows: “The progress of society and its reflection in language”, “Linguistic-cultural factors in intercultural communication”, “Internationalization of vocabulary in European languages”, etc.

Section III includes three topics: “Cultural-historical variability of language and speech”, “History of countries in ethno-specific historical vocabulary” and “Vertical context as a historical-linguistic aspect of the text”.


Methods of Teaching Foreign Language

This course deals with the main problems of teaching foreign language communication based on the communicative approach and considers analysis of the general theoretical problems of  the communicative teaching as well as the problems of teaching types and aspects of foreign speech activity upon bilingualism and multilingualism. The course covers the issues of foreign language teaching and translation technologies. It is also focused on comparison of difficulties of teaching non-mother tongues and teaching scientific and technical translation. The course covers the methodological basis of the foreign language teaching methods; basic categories of the foreign language teaching methods; research methods; connection of methodology with other sciences; principles of the foreign language teaching; means and organization of foreign language teaching; main phases of development of foreign language teaching methods; teaching speech activity types; teaching speech activity aspects.

Upon completion of the course, the student should know:

- general issues of communicative teaching foreign language communication upon multilingualism;

- methodology of forming English-language competence;

- specificity of foreign language communication as an activity;

- levels of professional and methodical competence;

- principles and strategies of teaching foreign language communication;

- peculiarities of teaching speech activity types and aspects of the language;

- technologies of communicative teaching foreign language communication upon multilingualism;

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
analyze a foreign language lesson in secondary school and higher education institution (technical college);
plan and teach a foreign language lesson properly, in compliance with the methodical, psychological and social requirements.


This course is focused on the subject of lexicology and its importance for theory and practice, contribution of Ukrainian scientists to the development of lexicology of the Ukrainian language, lexicology and lexicography, types of monolingual, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries, vocabulary as a system. It considers the ways of vocabulary expansion, semantic word development, word formation, compounding, conversion, telescopy, apocope and apheresis, abbreviation, phrase formation, loan words, loan translation, semantic and stylistic differentiation of international words, formally semantic dictionary structure, field vocabulary structure of different languages.

Scientific and Technical Translation

This course is an important subject in the professional training system of translators. It introduces students to the theory and principles of scientific and technical translation, methods of analysis and synthesis in scientific and technical translation, and helps to develop the skills of implementation of these basics in the professional activity. The course deals with the nature of the term and terminology, terminology and nomenclature, word and context, semantic neologisms of scientific-terminological vocabulary,  the presentation and explanation of terms in terminology dictionaries, technical terminology, scientific terminology, the standard of the term, etc.

Grammar Problems of Translation

The course deals with grammatical problems of scientific and technical translation. The main attention is paid to the analysis of linguistic means for the predicate, subject, object, determiner, adverbial and attribute translation. The course considers the analysis of difficulties of translating the syntactic construction meanings and the morphological difficulties.

Upon completion of the course, the student should know:
- methods of predicate translation;
- methods of subject translation;
- methods of object translation;
- methods of adverbial translation;
- methods of attribute translation;
methods of syntactic constructions translation.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
-  carry out correct morphosyntactic analysis of sentences during the scientific and technical translation;
-  analyze the translation methods of different grammatical forms and constructions
in the context of the sentence;
rely on the principle of consideration of translation methods through general scientific and general technical lexical material in translation activity.

Translation in Business Discourse

The course is an important subject in the professional training system of translators. It is aimed at training specialists with knowledge, competences and skills in the field of translation and interpretation in business discourse from a foreign language into the native language and from the native language into a foreign language. The course is focused on practicing the main types of translation as a type of communicative activity such as consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, written translation of business texts. It considers business vocabulary, syntactic structures of business language, collocations, language of business documents and examples of business documentation in a foreign language, basic rules of spelling and punctuation. The knowledge, skills, and abilities of the translator are developed in different aspects.




This course considers the basic problems of psycholinguistics. It deals with the analysis of  general issues of the speech activity theory, classifications of language mechanisms creating speech activity upon bilingualism, trilingualism and multilingualism. The substantial attention is paid to the consideration of domestic and foreign approaches to the problem of vocabulary, mental lexicon, the problems of creation and production of foreign language verbal activity and strategies of learning the non-mother tongue. Research perspectives are considered in the context of interdisciplinary approaches to the problem of modeling the processes of foreign language comprehension.



Basics of Intercultural Communication

The aim of this course is to analyze the similarities and differences in the psychology of individuals belonging to different cultural and ethnic groups; connection of the psychological differences with socio-cultural, ecological and biological traits of a person; to provide future specialists with the necessary level of knowledge and practical skills in cross-cultural communication in the interpersonal and business contexts.

upon completion of the course, the specialist should know:
- classical studies in cross-cultural psychology, its basic concepts, categories and working terms;
- peculiarities of spatial and timing aspects of the international communication;
- different theories of intercultural communication as well as the main development stages of cross-cultural psychology and methodology of its applied research

trained specialist should be able to:
- distinguish between “objective” and “subjective” culture;
- perceive the specific
features of relationships between language, culture and communication;
- analyze and
critically apply the basic principles of intercultural communication;
- overcome the major difficulties in intercultural
relations, determine the causes of cross-cultural conflicts as well as develop a strategy of overcoming barriers and put it into practice of business international communication.

Practical course in the Second Foreign Language (German)


The study of the second foreign language is aimed at mastering different types of speech activities, both written and oral, within the literary standards.

The main attention is paid to communicative, situational and textual approaches. The major task is to ensure students’ fluency in the language and their ability to produce full-fledged translations.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

- communicate in a foreign language freely and correctly (in compliance with phonetic, lexical, syntactic, grammar standards) in various situations, mainly in situations of professional interaction;

- carry out linguistic-stylistic and translation analysis of scientific and literary texts, considering the information obtained in practical and theoretical courses.


Practical course in the Third Foreign Language (French)


The practical course of the third foreign language (French) is an academic discipline in the professional training system of scientific and technical translators.

The main task of the course is to master different types of speech activities, both written and oral, within the literary standards.

The objective of the course is to study lexical and grammatical structures. The course is also aimed at  the development of speaking and writing skills and abilities as well as at teaching ways the obtained knowledge may be used. The main attention is paid to communicative, situational and textual approaches.

Upon completion the course, students should know:

- basic rules of pronunciation and grammar of the French language;

- vocabulary required for communication;

- cultural patterns of communication at everyday and business levels.

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:

- understand the texts of general as well as scientific and technical content;

- communicate in French freely and correctly (in compliance with phonetic, lexical, syntactic, grammar standards) in various situations, mainly in situations of professional interaction;

- use the acquired spoken and written minimum of scientific, technical and business vocabulary.


2.  OPTIONAL COURSES          


Translation in the Field of Economics, Management and Law


The course is an important subject in the professional training system of translators.

It is aimed at training specialists with knowledge, skills and abilities in translation and interpretation from  a foreign language into a native language and from a native language into a foreign language in the field of economics, management and law.

The course is focused on practicing the main types of translation as a type of communicative activity such as consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, written translation of business texts.

They develop knowledge, skills and abilities in the various aspects of translation work.


Translation in the Field of Сomputer Engineering


The course is an important subject in the professional training system of translators.

It is aimed at training specialists with knowledge, skills and abilities in translation and interpretation into  the native language and from the native language into a foreign language in the field of computer engineering.

The course is focused on practicing the main types of translation as a type of communicative activity such as consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, written translation of texts on this subject.

They develop knowledge, skills and abilities in the various aspects of translation work.


Practical Course in the Fourth Foreign Language (Spanish)


The main objective of the course is the development of translation skills and abilities that contribute to  the early formation of professional competence in the field of scientific and technical translation while studying the fourth foreign language (Spanish). The content and structure of the course meet  the recommendations of the Council of Europe.

While teaching the course, we use authentic scientific and technical texts, cross-tabulations for mastering the compatibility of vocabulary, the systematic introduction and processing of idiomatic phrases and phrasal verbs, comparative tables of Spanish-Ukrainian, English and German realities.

A modern system of exercises is proposed for the acquisition of skills in interpretation from and into the Spanish language.

The particular attention is paid to the application of innovative methods as well as the principles of individual and differentiated training conditioned upon multilingualism.

In this course we have made an attempt to apply situational method and projects that develop creative thinking of student translators.


Country studies in the Second Foreign language


This theoretical course is one of the fundamental disciplines in foreign philology. It is logically connected with the courses in the basics of linguistics, the basics of language communication theory, the history and lexicology of a foreign language, the theory of translation, the speech and translation practice.

The course is aimed at the development of the system of modern linguoculturological knowledge, mainly on the specifics of the linguistic worldviews and the corresponding peculiarities of the linguistic behavior of foreign language speakers under study, as well as the ability to use the acquired knowledge in improving  the foreign language communication, translation and linguoculturological analysis of foreign language and speech.

The course consists of three sections:

Section I: “Basic Concepts of Country studies”.

Section II: “Synchronic Country studies”.

Section I includes such topics as: “The Linguistic Worldview”, The Cultural-Cumulative Function of Language, “The Peculiarities of Expressive Means of National Languages, Background Knowledge and Its Linguistic Representatives”, etc.

Section II includes topics as follows: “The progress of society and its reflection in language”, “Linguistic-cultural factors in intercultural communication”, “Internationalization of vocabulary in European languages”, etc.

Section III includes three topics: “Cultural-historical variability of language and speech”, “History of countries in ethno-specific historical vocabulary” and “Vertical context as a historical-linguistic aspect of the text”.


English Documentation: Language and Style


The course is aimed at teaching students to compile authentic research documentation in English according to the standards of English-speaking countries, the principles of designing this documentation in English according to the requirements of its appropriate types, at the development of appropriate skills and abilities and at teaching them to apply the scientific style of the English language.

The subject of the course is the research documentation and its standards existing in English-speaking countries.

Upon completion of the course, the student should know:

- common modern rules and standards on the design of scientific and technical documentation existing in English-speaking countries;

- methods of compiling and translating scientific and technical documentation;

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

- demonstrate solid knowledge of the terminological, structural and notional peculiarities of scientific and technical documentation and convey them adequately in translation;

- overcome lexical-grammatical and stylistic difficulties in design and translation of scientific and technical documentation;

- carry out his or her own micro-research on a relevant scientific problem and prepare correct scientific documentation on the research.

Fundamentals and Terminology of Mining Engineerng

The course is aimed at the introduction of future translators to the mining engineering. It covers the general issues and terms of mining and initiates students into the basic principles and technologies of field development and prospecting, mineral extraction and processing. While teaching the course, we also consider the general issues of health, safety and environment protection. The formation of general expertise in Fundamentals and Terminology of Mining Engineerng is necessary for mastering professional tasks (competencies) of Bachelor referring to the comprehension of essentials of mining engineering and implementation of the acquired knowledge in translation practice.

Translation in the Field of Mining Engineering

The Translation Department trains specialists in this course on the basis of Fundamentals and Terminology of Mining Engineerng. The student should be able to:

- translate texts in the particular field;

- implement the specific knowledge in written and oral translation;

- edit translated texts in the particular field both in Ukrainian and in English language.

The development of Bachelor’s general competencies in this course requires consideration of the interdisciplinary connections essential for the production of high-quality field translation.


Translation in the Field of Electric Power Engineering

The course considers the fundamentals of electric power engineering conceptual framework, power sources, the relation between textual and actual information. The main attention is paid to such aspects as phonetics, grammar, vocabulary and such types of speech activity as written and oral translation. Also the particular attention is paid to background knowledge in this field essential for the adequate translation. The main task of the course is to ensure students’ fluency in the language and their ability to produce full-fledged translations.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

- carry out correct analysis of the texts during scientific and technical translation;

- compare real physical facts to the information given in text for the subsequent adequate communication;

- rely on the principle of consideration of translation methods through general scientific and general technical lexical material in translation activity.


Fundamentals and Terminology of Electrical Engineering

The course provides the theoretical basis in such fields of electrical engineering as types of energy, electrical machinery, electrical actuators, network organization and means of energy production,  i. e. specific knowledge essential for the field translation.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

-          form the conceptual framework in this field;

-          perceive technological processes and types;

-          be fluent in Ukrainian and English field terminology considering the polysemy and usuality of terms in various contexts;

-          produce written and oral translations in Ukrainian and English languages in the particular field.

Pedagogical Skills of Teaching Foreign Languages

The aim of the course is to provide essential skills and knowledge for mastering professional tasks (competencies) of Bachelor referring to the specificity of teaching foreign languages.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: demonstrate fluency in specific terminology for solving professional tasks; perceive terminological, lexical, syntactic and morphological standards of  the foreign languages under study and implement them in various types of translation.




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