Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Yuliia Oleksandrivna Savina

Candidate of Sciences
in Philology, Associate Professor

E-mail: Savina.Yu.O.@nmu.one


In 2009, Yu. O. Savina graduated from Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles’ Honchar with a degree in “Language and Literature (English)”.

Since 2009, Yu.O. Savina has been a teaching assistant at the Translation Department at Dnipro University of Technology. The same year, she entered a PhD programme to pursue a degree in 10.02.04 “Germanic Languages” at the English Language and Literature Chair in KNPU named after M.P. Dragomanov.

In 2012, she continued her studies at Kherson State University at the Chair of English Language and Teaching Methodology, where in 2014 she upheld the PhD thesis titled “Cognitive Nature of the Comic and Its Verbal Realization in J.K. Jerome and O. Henry’s Short Stories”.

In 2019 she had advanced training during International Conference “Translation and Power” in Poland.

In 2020 received the rank of Associate Professor. 

At present, she is extensively engaged in academic activities, into which she involves the students of different years of studies.

She teaches the following disciplines: practical English course (https://do.nmu.org.ua/course/view.php?id=2625), history of foreign literature.

Area of expertise: text stylistics, cognitive linguistics, foreign humour translation aspects.

Savina Yu. O. has 36 publications that are published in periodicals, 2 publications in Scopus periodicals.

Basic research papers:

1. Analyzing linguocognitive operations of mapping at the stage of pre-translation analysis of the comic texts (based on the prose by J.K. Jerome and O. Henry) / Науковий вісник дрогобицького державного університету імені І. Франка. – 2019. – № 11. – С. 129 – 132.

2. Лінгвопоетичні засоби створення комічного та їх відтворення у процесі перекладу (на матеріалі творів Дж. К. Джерома й О. Генрі та їх українськомовних перекладах) / Закарпатські філологічні студії. – 2019. – №9, Том 2. – С. 58-64.

3. Інконгруентність як когнітивний механізм комічного та її відтворення в українськомовних перекладах / Львівський філологічний часопис. – 2019. – №5. – С. 134-139.

4. Olesia M. Cherkashchenko, Tetiana M. Vysotska, Svitlana V. Korotkova, Yuliia O. Savina, Iryna V. Khurtaк. Innovations in the Content of Professional Training of Interpreters and Translators in Countries of Europe, the USA and Ukraine: Comparative Analysis / International Journal of Higher Education. – Volum 8, № 4. “Siedu Press” – 2019. – P. 136-144

5. Vira Nikonova, Yana Boyko, Yuliia Savina. Incongruity-specific British and American Humour from the persective of Translation Studies / Studies about languages. Kalbų Studios. – 2019. – № 35. – P. 89-103.



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